Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Country Launch of A Baby for Loving at the Condoblin Born-to-Read 10 Year Anniversary Bash!

It was a wonderful show last month at Condoblin once again with mother and fathers and toddlers and babies in prams and grandparents and young schoolkids and teachers and interested townsfolk attending the tenth year celebration of the wonderful Born to Read program,organized by an amazing committee of committed people headed by the able Gail Heinrich once again . I cannot believe that it was ten years ago that I was part of the launch of this program that brings books and advice to the parents of new born babies and  for the first five years of their lives. What a town to read to children of the primary and pre-schools and address the gatherings at the local library and council, launching my new book A Baby for Loving with the gorgeous artwork of Tamsin Ainslie.
It's now had a city launch at Randwick Public School with a dramatization for K, 1 and 2 by Year 6 and helpers, a wonderful show directed by Ms Helen Ratata; and a country launch at Condoblin  to send it on its way.